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Empowa Postpartum Plan

The Fourth Trimester is a time that is often overlooked. Birthing individuals are expected to take parenthood in their stride, but often with no support network, no "village", this is often not the reality. So much energy is focused on pregnancy, birth, gadgets and gizmos however, very little time is spent thinking and planning the less glamorous times.


What it is going to be like when you take your baby home?


Planning Now Means More Time With Your Newborn Later


Having conversations now can save time and energy later, when you need both of those things the most. Research has also shown that spending time planning your postpartum recovery, can help reduce postpartum depression, increase the likelihood of successful breastfeeding and reduce the postnatal recovery period.


At Empowa I recognise that it is impossible to plan for everything, and it's definitely impossible to plan for how you will feel. So the postpartum plan is designed to be very fluid.


Empowa Your Motherhood

Empowa Postpartum Plan

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