I've just dropped my daughter at school and, as I always do on the drive back, I allow myself some "growth time" listening to one of the many podcasts I follow, most of them are about Birth, Wellness and Breastfeeding, but some of them are about how to be a kick arse mumpreneur, and today was a mumpreneur & a breastfeeding podcast kind of day (see the bottom of this blog post for my favs at the moment).
Why am I telling you this? Well, I literally burst out of my car and onto my laptop because I suddenly, urgently, wanted to help all my pregnant contacts to understand how, in my humble experience and training, you can best prepare for one the toughest challenges you may be about to face - BREASTFEEDING

There is no doubt about it, breastfeeding is one the most natural things in the world, but that doesn't make it the easiest. We have kinda lost our communal mojo when it comes to breastfeeding, we've sort of bred the "naturalness" and "easiness" out of it because, quite frankly, we don't see, hear or experience much to do with breastfeeding before we actually have to do it.

In the past, birthing parents typically had much less busy lives, they weren't trying to juggle careers, social lives and extended families all over the world, they simply hung out with people of the same socio-economic group, watched, witnessed and helped the people that birthed before them, and after them, and learned more and more about what their body was capable of, before they ever had to do it themselves. Then once they were doing it, they were surrounded with that wealth of experience from multiple generations helping and supporting them.
.... but that is not how breastfeeding happens these days, we are mostly left to work these things out on our own, or at best we have a 20 min lactation consult but not much more than that.
In an ideal world I wish I could provide the steady arm, the experience and the support to every birthing parent that wants to breastfeed their baby, but I know that isn't possible so I wanted to provide my TOP 5 TIPS to help you prepare a little for what may be about to experience.
As always, I'm here if you have any questions, you can always arrange a FREE chat with me, or email me at kathy@empowa.sg
I never wish to scare pregnant families with talk about how hard breastfeeding is, instead I would much rather empowa you with tips to help start that journey in a positive way, I hope this email helped a little.
As always, sending my best best wishes
Kathy -x-
In a nutshell
It's my job, it's my passion
What am I listening to this week ...
